Obesity Epidemic in the United States
The Obesity Epidemic in the United States
Health is wealth
Obesity in the U.S
In the U.S, 66% adults and 16% of children classifying into the overweight or obese category (Beydoun, & Wang, 2007).
The average American lives a fast-paced lifestyle and utilizes many technological advancements, this population tends to move less and sit more. Health is a lifestyle and you have the choice in which direction your lifestyle goes.
Ways to help with Obesity
Bringing Change
Diet is a very important factor in controlling obesity. It is important to have a diet full of healthy fats, carbs, and protein. The food we put in our body, all has an effect on our body; either good or not so good. The way you eat is the most effective form of weight loss (Shaw, Gennat, O'Rourke, & Del Mar,
Exercise helps with obesity but is not the only contributor. It is extremely important to move as much as possible. Exercise helps to prevent and reduce cardiovascular disease. According to the American Heart Association, it is recommended that individuals should participate in 150 min of moderate exercise or 75 min of vigorous per week.
Diet and Exercise combined
Diet and exercise work the best when combined together. It is important to focus on a healthy diet combined with exercise.
Exercise does not have to be anything crazy; you can do yoga, walk for an hour, ride your bike etc. It is important to make exercise enjoyable. Increasing physical activity and decreasing calorie intake will allow individuals to reverse obesity (Veerman Lennert, Barenegt, van Beeck, Seidell, & Mackenbach, 2007).